Mollie and Stripe are the Payment Service Providers (PSP) that you can link to Plug&Pay. In order to receive payment, will must either use Mollie or Stripe.
Have you not connected a PSP yet? Then read one of these manuals:
In order to view the status of your Mollie or Stripe connection, navigate to Settings > Payment provider:
You then see either one of the following overviews, depending on your PSP:
If you see Disconnect, you know your link is active. There is also an overview of all activated Payment methods.
Website profile (Mollie)
Mollie allows for the creation of multiple website profiles. You select your desired profile under Website profile.
You can create multiple website profiles in your Mollie account. You can select the desired profile in this screen under ‘Website profile’.
The connection between Mollie and Plug&Pay is based on your account. Payments from Plug&Pay are therefore made to your Mollie account. You arrange the actual payouts via Mollie.
You can freely switch between website profiles, however switching to a new Mollie account is a major operation.
Test mode
Finished building your checkouts and upsells? Then it is time to turn off test mode! You can see whether you are in test mode in the top right-hand corner:
You can turn off test mode using this slider:
ℹ️ In this manual you can read what you can use the test mode for.
Activated payment methods
You active various payment methods in your Mollie- or Stripe dashboard. Once selected, the payment methods are visible on this screen, and on your checkouts.
❗In order to sell subscriptions or instalment payments, you must activate the SEPA direct debit payment method.
Is a payment method not shown on your checkout? Then take a look at the limits set for the payment method. Is the total amount in the shopping basket higher than the limits? Then the payment method in question will not be shown. You can contact your PSP to increase the limit.