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Modify instalment payments

How do I make changes to an existing instalment payment?

Bryan Schoenmaker avatar
Written by Bryan Schoenmaker
Updated over a week ago

Your customer has entered into an instalment payment, but prefers to pay in a fewer amount of instalments. Or the account number needs changing. This manual tells you how to edit an existing instalment payment.

Modify instalment payments

Select the instalment payment you'd like to edit in Instalments.

At the top of the screen, you can change the date of the next direct debit as well as remaining payments left.

Want to change the collection date?
​You can do so by editing the date in 'Next payment on'.

Want to have more or fewer direct debits?
​You can do so by editing the remaining payments.

Want to end the instalment payment for a customer?
​You can do so by changing the remaining payments to 0.

Customer data

Editing customer data

If any customer details need to be changed, such as VAT ID or e-mail address, you can change the required details here. The changes will then be implemented for all remaining payments. The address details of instalments that have already been collected can still be changed by selecting the order itself and clicking there on More action > Edit address. The VAT ID cannot be changed for completed payments.

Payment methods

Editing payment method
Does the customer want to pay future instalments with a different bank account? You can add a new bank account number by clicking on the button at the top right. At the subsequent direct debit, the customer will receive an e-mail to fulfil the payment. The e-mail is provided with a payment link.

Editing/adding credit card
Does the customer want to pay by credit card? Then remove all payment methods. The customer will receive a payment reminder by e-mail at the next collection, containing a payment link. Using this link, the customer can complete the payment with the desired payment method.

Subscription content

Should you want a different price for the remaining payments, you have the option here to adjust the content of the instalment payment.

Change the quantity of products purchased, the VAT rate, show the price including or excluding VAT, the base price or add promotional discounts here. All changes you make here affect all remaining instalment payments.

Verify modification
After saving your modification, you can verify the change in price you made through the invoices below. If the prices for the upcoming instalments are correct, then you know that your modification has been successful.


Here you can find all invoices from a specific customer, and view future instalment payments. The collection date and payment status can also be seen here. Convenient to have the whole overview in front of you 😊

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