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Ending an instalment payment

What steps should I take to end an instalment payment

Bryan Schoenmaker avatar
Written by Bryan Schoenmaker
Updated over a week ago

You have the option to offer a product to be payed for in instalments. But what if you want to end this payment?

How do I cancel an instalment payment?

First, click on Instalments in your dashboard. Here you have an overview of al your instalment payments. Select the payment you would like to end.

To end the instalment payment, simply set the number of remaining payments to '0'.

There will now be no more direct debits for this customer. That was easy 🤩

Deleting an instalment payment

You can also delete an instalment payment. When you do this, the entire instalment payment will be deleted and you will no longer be able to find it via Instalments. You can find the individual orders in the order overview. It is therefore more convenient to set the remaining payments to 0 than to delete the instalment payment in its entirety - so that you can still find it in case you need it :-)

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